A cooked chicken is much easier to deal with than a raw chicken while camping. Buy a full chicken and remove the bones at home. Put half the chicken (half white and half dark meat to mix it up) in a container that fits in your cooler.
Once at the campsite, fry up the onion and the minced ginger in olive oil in a frying pan until golden brown.
In another pot, cook the rice of your choice. I use jasmine rice or brown rice, depending on what I feel like at that moment. 1 1/2 cups of water for 1 1/2 cup of rice. Follow the directions on the package to cook it.
Add the carrots. Cook them to your liking; I like mine a bit crunchy.
Mix in the green, red and yellow or orange peppers to the frying pan. Add the green beans.
Take the chicken out of the cooler and cut it up into one-inch pieces. Add to the frying pan.
Mix the sauce ingredients in a separate bowl (without the pineapple juice) and add it to the pan.
Season with ground pepper, basil, and parsley. Add the pineapple chunks with the juices to the frying pan.
Mix it all and let it simmer for ten minutes. This will allow all the ingredients to absorb the aroma of the delicious sauce.