All-inclusive resorts typically include fun activities such as swimming, walking along the beach, relaxing on the Bali beds and drinking. Majestic Resort in Punta Cana offers so much more, such as kayaking, as part of a complimentary package at no additional cost to guests. It includes kayaking for you and your partner or for the whole family. The double kayaks can be rented out on the ocean based on availability. Two small children might be able to fit in between your legs of the long kayaks for a fun-filled adventure. Check the water equipment shack on the beach to book your spot today!
Table of Contents
Double Kayaks

Majestic Resort Kayaking Excursion
I love kayaking and thought a kayak excursion would be a great way to spend our time. We had lost track of time as you typically do while relaxing on vacation. When checking to see if kayaks were available, they had a thirty-minute time slot to rent the kayak before they closed for their one-hour lunch break at 1 p.m. We thought that it would be enough time to explore and worse case scenario, we could go kayaking again if we wanted a longer adventure.
Tip: Try to book kayaks ahead of time, as it might be possible to rent them out for longer than 30 minutes at a time.
Signing a Waiver
It’s important to note that a waiver will need to be signed stating that the resort is not liable if anything happens. When we ventured out in the kayak, the ocean conditions weren’t great with super wavy water, making it difficult to enjoy the excursion. Getting splashed and having trouble getting back to the beach could pose a challenge for some people.
The selfie was a bit difficult to take while constantly going in circles in the rough waves but I’m happy with how it turned out.
Tip: It’s ideal to have some kayaking experience before heading out on the ocean, especially on a rough day. You’ll want to know what you’re getting yourself into before attempting a kayaking excursion.
Staying Hydrated
It’s possible to get dehydrated quickly with the hot sun rays reflecting off the water onto you. Keep splashing water on your body to keep yourself cool.
Butt Pad

The seats in the kayaks are super uncomfortable. They don’t have padding like your typical lake or sea kayak.
Tip #1: I suggest going out kayaking for a short duration to avoid your butt going numb and consequently reducing the pleasure of your adventure.
Tip #2: Don’t sit on an inflatable butt pad as it isn’t supposed to be used for water activities. If you have a foam seat or waterproof clothing to sit on, it might make your trip more enjoyable.
Time and Conditions That Day
Go early in the morning or late in the day to avoid a sunburn. The hot sun in the middle of the day could potentially make you feel nauseous.
Tip: Avoid going after eating. You never want the turbulent water to mix the contents of your stomach.
It’s important to check out the conditions of the water as well. Here a a few things to think about:
- How wavy is it? This will indicate how rough the waves will be to navigate.
- Check the trees – To see how windy it is.
- Is it sunny or somewhat overcast?
- If at all possible, try to go when you have some cloud cover. It will help from feeling cooked like bacon.
- Check the flag by the beach:
- Red means no swimming, high hazard.
- Yellow means caution, medium hazard.
- Green means safe to swim, calm conditions.
- *If the conditions are unsafe, the resort will prohibit swimming and won’t rent out water equipment.
We picked a random time and day to go on our excursion and consequently our experience wasn’t the best. Kris and I figured we’d make the best of it with the sun shining brightly. It was hot outside and the water was wavy, which turned out to be a terrible combination for water activities. We felt like we cooking even while wearing our sunglasses.
Tip: Splash cold water over your body to prevent heat exhaustion and to keep cool. A sun or baseball cap would have helped to provide our heads with some shade from the sun. Wear one!
Majestic Resort Short Duration Kayaking

These are large sit-on-top kayaks allowing the water to potentially accumulate into your boat with big waves. On the plus side, the water splashing your body will help keep you cool. They don’t have skirts, being sit-on-top kayaks, or a rudder making them difficult to steer. We were often going in circles causing us to backpaddle to correct our navigational direction. It is much more difficult to steer this type of kayak. You might need to execute some draws with your paddle.
Tip: I would suggest taking anti nausea medication before going out kayaking when the conditions are rough; it could prevent you from feeling dizzy.
The short duration outing will give you an idea of the length of kayak you’re trying to maneuver, how steering works, forward and backward paddling. The intensity of the waves will help you gauge how quickly you’ll get exhausted and provide a reality check to determine if it’s an enjoyable activity or if there are more things to consider to make this a desirable choice for fun.
Tip: If you end up liking kayaking after your short excursion, you can always rent out a kayak at a later time to go again.
Stay Close to Shore

Without a rudder, forward and back paddling not correcting the navigational route, it can feel like you’re quickly being pulled out further into the ocean. The waves get bigger the further from the shore you get creating ample opportunity for the waves to crash into your kayak and potentially accumulate a lot of water causing some concern. There’s lots of potential to drift far away making it scary to get back to the resort.
Majestic Resort Windy Day Kayaking
With a windy day, the waves are big to maneuver through, even for an experienced kayaker, like myself making it a challenging experience. Starting from inside an inlet is usually calmer but when starting from Majestic Resort to the wide open ocean with no wind break and the waves splashing towards the beach, it can make it trickier to get out into the deeper waters and navigate in them.
Tip #1: Be aware that a fun kayaking activity on the ocean can be very different than on a lake back home. Be skilled, prepared and go when the conditions are calm to avoid getting yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
Tip #2: If you decided to go and quickly realized you couldn’t control the kayak, you could jump into the ocean and pull your boat back to shore while swimming rather than let the kayak float into the ocean and get yourself into deeper trouble.
Sun Rays
If you stay too long outside in the full sun rays reflecting off the water, you’ll likely get sunburnt if you don’t apply sunscreen. If you do end up in this situation, here are tips to treat a sunburn.
Majestic Resort Calm Conditions Kayaking

When the conditions are calmer, it will make it more enjoyable and you’ll feel more confidant when you can control the kayak. Setting yourself up for success is the key to a fun outdoor adventure. If you choose to go when the wind has died down, it will be easier to spot fish and coral below in the ocean. It’s cool to see the marine life interacting below you.
Bring Water

You can see me holding a bottle of water while swimming. Water always accompanied me wherever I went on my Punta Cana trip. With the sun rays so strong, it was important that I kept myself hydrated and that includes while kayaking. It was surprising how quickly I felt parched while partaking in Majestic Resort kayaking. No cloud cover, full sun directly on top of us and having an intense workout trying to prevent us from going in circles; that was tiring. Even while splashing water from the ocean on me, a drink of water would have helped me cool down. I would have felt less dizzy and less nauseous which would have helped orientate us in the right direction to kayak back in the direction of the resort.
Tip: Drink bottled water instead of tap water if you’re from Canada or the United States to prevent yourself from getting sick.
Rash Guard

The wet rash guard will help keep your body cool while participating in Majestic resort kayaking in the scorching sun. It helps prevent a sunburn while also regulating your body’s temperature. A rash guard can be purchased in different styles and sizes for men and women at Alchemy of Ride.
Majestic Resort Kayaking Fuel

You could get hungry while on the water. Make sure to energize with a snack before departing. Lärabars are a typical snack I bring with me while on a day trip kayaking. They provide lots of energy and have different flavours as well. Majestic has plenty of snack bars throughout the resort depending on your preferences.
Tip: Be careful not to overstuff yourself. That could cause you problems while kayaking.
It’s preferable not to bring snacks with you while on a Majestic Resort kayaking adventure, as you most likely won’t have dry bags with you. Either eat a light snack before going or eat afterwards.
Final Thoughts
Majestic Resort Kayaking has the potential to be an amazing experience if you play your cards right. Be smart if you want to have a good time! Look at the weather beforehand and see if it will be windy, overcast or sunny. For us thirty minutes was sufficient but if you ask yourself the following questions you could have a much more successful day. Are you going with your partner or your family? Do you have a hat and sunglasses to protect your head and face from the strong sun rays? Are you experienced if you run into difficulties such as able to execute forward strokes, back strokes or draws to provide you with the results you want? If going into circles isn’t your cup of tea, can you re-adjust? Try swimming first and see if you can maneuver the waves with your hands. That way you’ll have a better idea if the wave conditions are rough before heading kayaking. Prepare well and have fun kayaking if the conditions are favourable.
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