Hey there! I’m Chelsea Findling, creator of Crazy Fun Outdoor Adventures! I started backpacking with my parents when I was six years old and my brother was four years old. We started by backpacking the Berg Lake Trail in British Columbia. We made our way to Kinney Lake which is the first campground seven-kilometers mark. For your average hiker who hikes four kilometres an hour, seven kilometres seems short, especially on a mostly flat and easy trail. But, when backpacking with two children who are constantly hungry, it took seven hours to do seven kilometres, that’s an all-day hike folks!
Outdoor Lover
Since that trip, I’ve been an outdoor lover and I’m always seeking my next adventure! I love hiking, backpacking, kayaking, cross-country skiing, you name it! I have backpacked the Berg Lake trail multiple times to the end of the trail, since that early adventure. The pace was faster on subsequent trips hiking the twenty-eight kilometres stretched out over a few days. I’ve backpacked the Rockwall Trail and the Skyline Trail close to home and the West Coast Trail twice a bit further away. I’ve had the privilege to backpack along the Great Ocean Walk and kayak from Noosa in Australia, for experiences abroad. I love sea kayaking with my family towards Desolation Sound via Copeland Island Marine Park, starting from Port Hardy on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.
Through many experiences, I’ve tried, tested and figured out things that work and things that don’t work. With that invaluable experience, I’m here to share with you how to better plan for your next outdoor adventure! Having travelled near and far from home to seek my adventures, I come to you with a plethora of knowledge. There are things to keep in mind when planning a trip close to home or abroad. I’ve always loved exploring new cities and seeing what they have to offer but after a few days, I can’t wait to head off into the wilderness to explore nature at its finest.
I’m a speech assistant during the day and look forward to spending my spare time in the outdoors as much as I can! Having grown up doing many adventures with my family, I want to share my family experiences. No age is too young, you simply have to start! I’m going to help you do that! I go on many adventures with my partner. I’ll cater to couples needing a sense of direction as well.
I’ve made different recipes throughout my life that I will share with you. You’ll get tips and tricks for making an easy healthy meal when you’re far away from civilization with only a stove and a few essentials.
Check out my reviews to help you decide the best gear to get when preparing for your next trip.
Company Name
If you’re wondering how I came up with Crazy Fun Outdoor Adventures as a company name, here’s the explanation. I love to have a crazy amount of fun while doing outdoor adventures. A little bit of crazy always pushes me out of my comfort zone and gets me to experience things that I might not do otherwise.
It’s important to do what you love and are passionate about in life. The outdoors and travelling are my passions! What about you?
Let’s get Moving!
To help you get started, first answer these four questions:
- Where do you and your partner want to go?
- Do you want to go kayaking, hiking, backpacking, camping or cross-country skiing?
- Do you want your next outdoor adventure to be close to home or to travel far away?
- How can I help you?
Email Me
Please email me at chelsea@crazyfunoutdooradventures.com if you have any questions or would like more information on a specific topic. I’m always happy to help, don’t hesitate to ask!
Thanks for visiting my site! I look forward to helping you plan your next adventure!
Happy Adventuring!
Chelsea Findling